Environmental Liability - Law, Policy and Practice - Volume 26 - Issue 1


Harmonising plastics strategy across the Pacific Alliance
Jonathan D Cocker, Baker & McKenzie LLP, Toronto, Canada
Denisa Mertiri, Green Earth Strategy
Guillermo Tejeiro Gutiérrez, Brigard Urrutia,
Mariana Herrero S, Galicia,
Julio Recordon, Carey,
Francisco Tong, Rodrigo Elias & Medrano
Maria Vizeu Pinheiro, Inter-American Development Bank
Germán Sturzenegger,Inter-American Development Bank

This article provides an assessment of the challenges the Pacific Alliance faces in developing a harmonised strategy, starting with the Green Growth Platform of 2016. The authors consider this landmark initiative agreement between Mexico, Columbia, Peru and Chile not merely a regional emissions reduction accord adjunct to the Paris Agreement, but as an economic strategy to be built upon

Lost in translation? Reporting obligations under the EU Birds and Habitats Directives
Professor of Law, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao
Throughout this article, the author analyses the ways in which the different reports required by Directive 2009/147 on the conservation of wild birds and Directive 92/43 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora have been carried out

Case Commentary

The sustainability agenda and the real estate sector: threat or opportunity?
CATE TAYLOR,Senior counsel, Macfarlanes.

US Litigation and Regulation

Think Globally, Act Locally?
MARK W. SCHNEIDER, Perkins Cole, Seattle

The Bad, the Ugly and the Good; the Trump administration proposes changes to the National Environmental Policy Act
PETER VAN TUYN, Bessenyey & Van Tuyn LLC, Anchorage

Scotus has spoken: Kinda sorta direct discharges need a permit
THEODORE GARRETT, Covington & Burling, LLP, Washington 

Current Survey

European Union

MARTIN HEDEMANN-ROBINSON, University of Kent, Canterbury
Key Policy Developments March–April 2019

Sustainable Development
Waste Management
Enforcement Aspects
EU Environmental Budget
Law Enforcement Issues
Air Quality
Nature Protection and Biodiversity
Environmental Information
Marine Environment
Environmental Impact Assessment.
EU Environmental Legislation Update