Six Issues plus index per volume - ISSN 1365-8867  - to subscribe please click on the buttons above - this title is now available online - please email

Practical information for lawyers advising bio-science and bio-technology enterprises.

The rapid advances in bio-science and bio-technology have resulted in a wealth of dynamic new industries and promise great advances in medical therapies and related benefits. However, the underlying science that forms the basis of developments in genomics, gene therapy and related areas also poses new problems for both the regulatory and traditional intellectual property rights systems. The complex balance between rewarding the inventor and investor, while at the same time not shutting out fair competition, has been highlighted in a series of recent cases.

Bio-Science Law Review is a peer-reviewed journal and reports and analyses these developments and acts as a forum for discussion of the legal protection and approval of these new technologies.  Recent coverage has included critical analysis of the SPC decisions, pay for delay and other competition law issues.

Regular coverage on developments in patent law and practice, joint ventures and other forms of collaboration, the legal issues of raising finance for bio-science industries, competition law issues, trade mark developments and reports on the activities of regulatory agencies such as the EMA and FDA.

For details of the Editor and Editorial Board click here - For a sample copy please click here

The editors welcome ideas and submissions for future issues please email - our outline guidance for submissions can be found here

Market: IP Lawyers, Patent Agents and Attorneys, R & D Departments, In-house Legal Advisers in Life Science and Pharmaceutical Companies, Regulatory Agencies, legal researchers, law libraries.